FEI/EIN Number 20-2258108
We are determined to help one person at a time, one family, one community, one world....

Danube International Company, Inc. was founded in 1990's with a purpose of helping refugee families in US. The company was founded by two Refugee women, the mother and the daughter, who moved from Ukraine to the United States in search of safety and freedom. Danube International Company, Inc provided emotional and financial support to families immigrated to the United States from the former Soviet Union and former Yugoslavia, as well as educational support to local schools and social services agencies. Once the stream of refugees from Eastern Europe subsided, the organization was dissolved.
The company was recently reinstated due to tragic events that are taking place in Ukraine. We are determined to help those, who are affected by the tragic events of war in Ukraine.

What We Are About
Danube International organizes public and private charitable fundraisers in Sarasota and Tampa Bay. While collecting proceeds to benefit people of Ukraine, who are experiencing hardship, Danube International engages in educational aspect and introduces a taste of Ukrainian culture to Sarasota, theTampa Bay area and beyond. We provide local community with an opportunity for donations to reputable Ukrainian charitable organizations, which have been working first-hand in war affected areas in Ulraine for years, helping human and animal victims of wars.
We are building community outreach programs prepareing for the influx of Ukrainian refugees to the Tampa Bay area
Our staff is diligently working on and
providing the following services for the newly arrived refugees in our area :
*Developing an assitance arrival guide
*Organizing a volunteer-based support systems
*Providing social and educational services
*Establishing relationships with the school systems
*Bridging the gap with sociall services providers
We are in the process of establishing working relationships with local hospitals and medical compamies to accommodate ever-growing need for medical supplies in was-affected areas in Ukraine through charitable organizations working close with Ukrainian hospitals and clinics.
Below are names of the organizations in Ukraine that we support with your help:
Kopпорация Moнстров - Odessa
SVOI Charitable Foundation - Kiev
Charitable Fund KIDDO - Dnipro